Rebecca Frances in the Crude podcast on “Coaching Pleasure”
Why do people come for a session with Rebecca? What about workshops and retreats on sexuality? Do they really work and where does this trend come from? Can someone really train to become a better lover? Rebecca joins the Crude podcast team to take a critical approach and discuss if sex can be coached at all and…

Selfmade Lobhudelei – Die beiden Cuties von der Liebelei haben für ihren Podcast Fucketlist…
… einen spannenden und bewegten Beitrag über Ihren Besuch unseres Workshops (AN)OTHER ORGY gemacht. Wir beiden Cuties, Beata & Matís, haben uns frech erlaubt, das absolut Wichtigste davon exklusiv für Euch zusammenzuschneiden 😁

absurd sex with Beate Absalon – Sex Punk Podcast von Uta Rothermel
Dive into the world of sex counseling and listen to people doing stuff with sex in Berlin. In the first season „sexual anarchy“, we're interviewing rebels and misfits, asking how we can channel our sexual…

“The Virgin and the Kinkster” – further news from abcde Flash! She just launched the first episode…
… of her new project – a podcast together with Mo! And what’s this project about? Mo and abcde Flash met on Feeld on December 26th, 2021. January 1st they met in person. 13th of February Mo had a shower thought: to do a podcast together called 'The Virgin and…

Ohlala, der wunderbare Podcast "Mit Zunge" hat eine Folge zu unserem Orgienworkshop am IKSK…
…gemacht. Hier kann man uns schmatzend nimmersatt beim Nachgespräch zuhören.
🍜 nom nom nom…