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TOO HOT TO HANDLE –luhmen d’arc at touch & play festival germany

  • Nature Community 1 St.-Hubertus-Weg Schönsee, BY, 92539 Deutschland (Karte)

Stranded on a lonely island a bunch of horny people are prohibited to make out and therefore glimpse into desire’s intriguing ways. They not only get miraculously more turned on, but are also challenged with their subconscious patterns. Inspired by the infamous Netflix show of the same title, this intensive will care-, nerdy- and playfully explore its arousing balancing acts between: a) teasing with denied fulfillment b) doing what one shouldn’t be doing c) overcoming the previously ambiguous. And the tempting prize money for us will be a goldworthy adaptation: a deeper understanding of your own desire! Because the fun & games will serve as a harvest-ground to go deeper by creating unique maps of our psyches, including longings, needs, habits etc, using an experience-oriented psychotherapeu- tic tool called ‘idiographic system modelling’. With this, the different experiences in the experimental exercises can be understood and processed. So called structure-bound mechanisms of action can be addressed in order to not automatically following old patterns, but checking if they’re still helpful in the current situation. Novelty and compassion will be enabled. Treasures found.


Ein Workshop im Rahmen des Touch & Play Festival Germany

More on the T&P-Festival:

“Over the past years the Post-Contact scene has gathered force with many CI-fusion forms bubbling up everywhere. Teaching on the chemistry of our connections however is still very limited and while many local communities acknowledge the need for clearer boundaries and guidelines in this realm these are often limited to written documents, leaving practitioners to figure things out for themselves. The value of embodied spaces that welcome the experiential exploration of the many unspoken needs that we bring to the dance floor is thus as present as ever.

T&P is a sex-positive, bdsm-friendly space open to dancers and players of all genders, abilities, origins and sexualities. Many of the Touch&Play teachers who’ve helped shape this body of work over the years will return to co-create a container that feels both comfortable and challenging and where we can connect through both a shared classical CI vocabulary and through the learning of new norms and forms that can enrich our dances, our relationships and our lives.”

27.8.2023 – 1.9.2023


Facilitated by Beata

27. August


3. September